A ceremony for the signing and Exchange of Notes for the “Economic and Social Development Project” between the Government of Ghana and the Government of Japan was held on Wednesday, 13th February 2019.


Under the project, the Government of Japan has provided a grant of 300 Million Japanese Yen (approximately US$ 2.73) to the government of Ghana for the procurement of vehicles and communication equipment for the Ghana Police Service.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey(MP) in her remarks, stated that the grant would, among others, provide the Ghana Police Service with the needed communication gadgets and vehicles that would complement the efforts of the government to equip and transform the Service. She stated that mobility and effective communication systems were two of the most important aspects of modern and effective policing, and added that, “the grant would undoubtedly help position the police to discharge their duties effectively”.

Hon. Botchwey further acknowledged the strong bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two countries since the establishment of bilateral relations after Ghana’s Independence in 1957.

She commended Japan for demonstrating practical support for Ghana’s socio-economic development in various sectors, particularly in infrastructural development, energy, agriculture, health and education. She cited the ongoing works at the Tema Motorway Roundabout, as well as the expansion and enhancement of the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research to include an Advanced Research Centre for Infectious Diseases in West Africa, as a few of the  examples of the critical support Ghana was receiving from Japan. She assured that, the grant would be used for its intended purpose for the benefit of the people of Ghana.