UNHCR Representative In Ghana Calls On Foreign Minister

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) representative in Ghana, Ms. Esther Wairimu Kiragu, paid a courtesy call on the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, Hon. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, on Tuesday, October 23, 2018.

Hon. Ayorkor Botchwey welcomed and congratulated Ms. Esther Wairimu Kiragu on her appointment. She acknowledged the work of UNHCR in providing assistance to refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced and stateless people. She indicated that Ghana has since 1994 collaborated with of the UNHCR to offer assistance to over 14,000 refugees who have been in the country, as a result of wars, conflicts and hunger.

The Minister also stated that Ghana would continue to champion the cause of refugees and displaced persons, adding that the Ghana Refugee Board has been collaborating with all relevant stakeholders to find sustainable solutions to the problems faced by Refugees.

She said as part of efforts to assist displaced persons living in the country, four (4) camp schools have been captured under the National School Feeding programme in addition to providing them with proficient teachers. A smart WIFI kiosk has also been established at the Ampian Camp in the Western Region to keep refugees connected to the internet. She underscored the need to create opportunities for refugees upon their return to their home countries. Hon. Botchwey assured Ms. Kiragu of Ghana’s continued commitment in the work of the UNHCR.

Ms. Esther Wairimu Kiragu, for her part thanked Ghana for collaborating with her organization to provide assistance to refugees over the years. She indicated that refugees everywhere should be integrated into the national systems and not to be made to run systems parallel to that of the host country. She also called for the need to incorporate refugees back into their home countries because people cannot remain as refugees forever.