Ghana’s High Commissioner-Designate to Malaysia, Akua S. Akenkorah, Sworn in, by H.E. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, on 10th January, 2018

On Wednesday, 10th January, 2018, H.E. the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, presented letters of credence to Ghana’s High Commissioner Designate, to Malaysia, Ms. Akua S. Ahenkorah,

During the ceremony, the President indicated that, as having worked with Ms. Ahenkorah during his tenure as Foreign Minister, she had proven her worth, and was deserving of the appointment. He reiterated that Ghana’s image, as a beacon of stability and democracy in Africa, was considered high in the international community. He further charged the High Commissioner, to guard and uphold this image that Ghana has worked hard to achieve.

The President encouraged Ms. Ahenokorah to facilitate investments between Ghana and Malaysia, thus furthering the Government’s “Ghana Beyond Aid” initiative. He further charged Ms. Ahenkorah to maintain a cordial working relationship with her staff at post.

In her response, Ms. Ahenkorah, thanked President Akufo-Addo, for bestowing the honour onto her. She assured the President, of her resolve, to justify the Government’s policy, to encourage the involvement of women, in the development of the country. She further assured the delivery of her mandate, in achieving the overall government objective, of improving the well-being of the good people of Ghana, while upholding her responsibility to drive private sector investments into the country, to assist in the achievement of the government’s flagship programmes, namely, One-District-One-Factory, One-Village-One-Dam, Planting for Food and Jobs; and the objective of furthering the “Ghana Beyond Aid” initiative.

The newly appointed High Commissioner assured that she would safeguard, protect and promote the image and interest of Ghana at all times, and that she would strengthen the already cordial relations between Ghana and Malaysia, as well as with the concurrently accredited countries such as Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines.

In her closing remarks, Ms. Ahenkorah thanked the President for her appointment, as High Commissioner of Ghana to Malaysia, and assured him of her loyalty to the Government and people of Ghana, in the discharge of her duties.