A flag- raising ceremony was held to commemorate the 53rd Anniversary of the International Organisation of La Francophonie under the theme “321 Million French Speakers Billions of Cultural Contents”. The ceremony was held at the forecourt of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration on Monday 20th March, 2023.

The Lebanese Ambassador and the President of the Group of Francophonie Ambassadors, H.E. Maher Kheir, in his Opening Remarks commended H.E. President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo for his futuristic vision in supporting the La Francophonie and the French language to enable Ghana play a vital role within Africa and on the global scene. H.E. Maher Kheir noted that the French language has made major contributions to knowledge through the work of French intellectuals in areas like law, science, philosophy, and poetry, among others. H.E. Maher Kheir recognized Ghana’s commitment to the French language with the increase in Francophonie activities in recent times such as the launch of the Mobility Project, a joint programme by the La Francophonie and the Ministry of Education, where 21 teachers were deployed to strengthen the teaching of French language in Ghana.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, noted that the Organisation is founded on noble principles such as the promotion of the French language, cultural and linguistic diversity, the promotion of peace, democracy, and human rights, which are at the core of the country’s constitution. Hon. Ayorkor Botchwey stressed the need to support education and research, in the French language as Ghana is committed to enhancing the economic cooperation with the five continents of the Francophonie world, in pursuit of sustainable development.

Hon. Ayorkor Botchwey took the opportunity to congratulate the Secretary General of the Organisation, Madam Louise Mushikiwabo for her able leadership, which has invigorated the Organisation to provide adequate responses to the challenges facing humanity ranging from security, environmental, technological, and digital revolution to gender equality issues.

The Minister, noted that, Ghana is very excited to become a full member of the Organisation, whose relevance to the socio-economic development of the country cannot be overlooked and hoped that the 2024 summit will see Ghana’s transition to full member of the International Organisation of La Francophonie.